Brent Alsleben (2022)

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On December 14, 2022, Alsleben's family was concerned about his mental health and called the Sibley County Minnesota Sheriff's Office to request a welfare check. A deputy and emergency responders met Alsleben. After several hours, Alsleben showed a knife and swung it at the first responders.[1]

After midnight on December 15, 2022, Hutchinson Minnesota Police Services officers Taylor Fenrich, Phillip Mielke, and Tyler Schmeling and McLeod County Minnesota Sheriff's Office deputies Andrew Demeyer and David Olson forced open the door to Alsleben's apartment and asked him to surrender. Officers could not see Alsleben from outside the door, and he failed to respond to their commands.[1]

Officers entered the apartment and found Alsleben on the living room floor holding a large hunting knife. Officers attempted to take Alsleben into custody but he struggled, cutting an officer. The deputies tried to taze him, but it was unsuccessful. Alsleben attempted to stand up while holding the knife, and the three officers fired their weapons, killing Alsleben.[1]

Fenrich, Mielke, and Schmeling were placed on administrative leave.[1]

In 2023, the Sibley County Attorney determined that the officers were justified in their use of deadly force.[2]


The incident was captured on body-worn camera.[1]

Officers Involved


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