Dominic Shears (2022)

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On August 3, 2022, officers followed Shears who, with two other people, robbed a drug dealer. Shears dropped the other people off before crashing his vehicle. Shears fired his gun, and Spokane Washington Police Department (SPD) officers Jacob Siegel and Scott Lesser returned fire. Other officers arrived. After a five-hour standoff, Shears exited his vehicle with a gun. SPD Corporal Brandon Lynch and Officer Robert Riggles, and Spokane County Washington Sheriff's Office Deputy Derek McNall fired, striking Shears.[1][2][3]

Shears died at the scene.[3]

The incident was captured on body-worn cameras.[1]

The officers were placed on administrative leave.[1]

The Spokane Independent Investigative Response (SIIR) Team opened an investigation.[1]

On June 14, 2024, the Spokane County Prosecuting Attorney's Office determined that the officers were justified in their use of deadly force.[4]

Officers Involved


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