Jaemaun Joyner (2024)

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Video shows Baltimore Police officer holding gun to man's head

Joyner's name has also been reported as Jaemun Joyner.

On May 23, 2024, Baltimore Maryland Police Department officer responded to a robbery call and were searching for a 6-foot tall Black man wearing a brown hoodie and a ski mask. Officers approached Joyner, who is about 5'7" tall and was wearing a red and black shirt. Officer Austin Gutridge attempted to handcuff Joyner, who broke away before being taken to the sidewalk by several officers. Detective Connor Johnson pushed Joyner's face into the sidewalk and held his service weapon against Joyner's head before Officer Christian Agard handcuffed Joyner.[1]

The incident was captured on an officer's body-worn camera.[1]

Joyner was charged with handgun possession, possessing a loaded handgun, and drug possession.[1]

At the scene, the robbery victim told police that Joyner was not the suspect.[1]

On July 15, 2024, the charges against Joyner were dropped "for further investigation".[2][1]

The agency opened an investigation into any policy violations.[1]

On September 5, 2024, the Baltimore State’s Attorney's Office announced that it would not press charges against Johnson.[1]

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