Jayland Walker (2022)

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On June 27, 2022, Akron Ohio Police Department officers attempted to stop Walker for a minor traffic violation. Walker fled. Police say that Walker fired at them during the resultant chase. Walker eventually fled his car on foot. Multiple Taser deployments were attempted, but were ineffective. Eight officers fired their handguns, and Walker was pronounced dead at the scene.[1][2][3][4]

A gun was recovered from Walker's vehicle.[1]

The officers involved were placed on paid administrative leave.[2]

The names of the officers involved have not been released. A newspaper has sued the city for release of the names. The city cites an FBI bulletin that "potential violent extremists advocated for violence against police officers in retaliation for the officer-involved shooting of Jayland Walker". The case is ongoing.[5]

On October 11, 2022, the city reinstated the officers in administrative roles due to a staffing shortage.[6]

On April 17, 2023, a grand jury declined to indict the officers, ruling that the shooting was legally justified.[7]

The officers involved were returned to "full-time, active duty".[8]

On November 28, 2023, the department concluded that the officers complied with the department's policies.[9]

On October 21, 2024, the city agreed to a $4.8 million settlement with Walker's family.[10]


On July 3, 2022, video clips from 13 officers' body-worn cameras were released, showing events until just after the shooting.[2][3]

On August 25, 2022, additional body-worn camera video was released. This video shows more of the events after the shooting, including officers checking on each other's conditions and rendering aid to Walker. Some officers muted or turned off their cameras, which is allowed by policy after they are finished with a citizen contact. Video shows that officers were not sequestered immediately after the shooting.[2]

On September 19, 2022, additional video was released, showing a group of officers who arrived just before the shooting.[11]

Officers Involved

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Official Reports

City of Akron Press Conference - 2022-07-03
Akron Police Critical Incident Video Release 22-78920 - 2022-07-03

Additional Sources


Recent articles: Joshua Nahulu, Shevoy Brown, Thomas Mascia, Dennis Tuttle and Rhogena Nicholas (2019), Gerald Goines

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