David Garcia

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Service Record

San Antonio Texas Park Police Agency

Rank Officer
Dates of Service Ended in 2018.[1]
Salary $61,791 (2017)[2]
Last Known Status Resigned[1]

Incident Reports

2006 Family Violence

Response Timeline

In 2006, Garcia was charged with misdemeanor family violence.[1]

The charges were dismissed.[1]

2018 Domestic Violence

Response Timeline

In July 2018, Garcia was arrested for misdemeanor family violence and interfering with an emergency telephone call.[1]

Four days after the arrest, Garcia resigned.[1]

The family violence charge was dismissed due to a missing witness.[1]

On January 8, 2020, Garcia pleaded no contest to the charge of interfering. Garcia received two years probation.[1] As part of Garcia's deferred adjudication, he was prohibited from working in law enforcement for two years.[3]

2020 Tampering

David Garcia booking photo
David Garcia

In January 2020, Garcia altered the paperwork from the earlier case to remove the law enforcement prohibition and presented it to his probation officer in the hopes of securing employment with another agency.[3]

In December 2021, the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) reached out to the District Attorney after Garcia applied for employment with another agency.[1]

Response Timeline

On January 6, 2022, Garcia was indicted on a felony charge of tampering with a government record.[1]

In March 2022, Garcia was sentenced to six months in jail.[3]

In June 2022, Garcia was released from jail.[3]

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