Support the Site

From LEO Ratings is celebrating our 3rd full year of researching incidents involving law enforcement officers in the U.S. In the last year, we've added 336 incidents, 255 officers, 95 agencies, and 2 states. Please help us by following, liking, commenting, retweeting/sharing, and telling a friend to spread the word!
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There is no charge to you to read our articles on law enforcement incidents across the United States. All roles here - researching, writing, editing, technology, SEO, social media, etc. - are filled by volunteers.

The best way to support the site is to post about it, follow us on Twitter/X, Facebook, and Reddit, and to Like, Share, and Comment on our social media postings.

We do have fixed costs for website hosting, domain registration, court document fees, and we have been known to buy each other a pizza from time to time, too! If you would like to financially support the site, there is the option to send money to us via Venmo. Our Venmo username is @LEORatings. Any money received will only be used to support the site and for staff morale.

Note that we are not setup as a non-profit, so you may not deduct any amounts sent.

You can always send compliments or criticism to us via email. They're not as filling as a pizza, but we do eat them up!


Admin and Friends

Recent articles: Joshua Nahulu, Steven Cugini, Randy Walker, Patrick Husnay, Monty Goodwin

To check for incidents in your area, please use the search page or try a random incident.