Erika Castellucci

From LEO Ratings is celebrating our 3rd full year of researching incidents involving law enforcement officers in the U.S. In the last year, we've added 336 incidents, 255 officers, 95 agencies, and 2 states. Please help us by following, liking, commenting, retweeting/sharing, and telling a friend to spread the word!
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Service Record

Kissimmee Florida Police Department

Rank Lieutenant[1]
Dates of Service Hired in 2006.[2]
Salary $98,114 (2020)[3]
Last Known Status Suspended[1]

Incident Reports

2021 Domestic Violence

On November 28, 2021, Castellucci and her roommate, who have lived together for two years, were drinking wine and putting a puzzle together when they got into an argument.[4]

The roommate tried to leave, but Castellucci ripped off the roommate's sweater and prevented the roommate from leaving the home.[4]

Response Timeline

Castellucci was placed on leave pending the outcome of the charges.[1]

On November 28, 2021, Castellucci was charged with misdemeanor Battery - Touch Strike (Domestic Violence) and felony Kidnap False Imprisonment - Adult.[5]

On December 13, 2021, the Assistant State Attorney determined that "this case is not suitable for prosecution" and dropped the charges.

In November 2023, LEO Ratings reached out the the State Attorney's Office for a more detailed explanation of "suitable". They replied very quickly and shared that the witness's and victim's statements were contradicting, making it impossible to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. ‎


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