Michael Russell

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Service Record

Jacksonville Florida Sheriff's Office

Rank Sergeant (December 28, 2019)[1]
Dates of Service Hired July 28, 2008.[2]
Last Known Status Active

Incident Reports

2023 Battery on a Sports Official

Press Briefing

On March 25, 2023, Russell was off-duty and attending a youth soccer game when a fight broke out between the teams. The referees were trying to regain control, including blowing their whistles. Russell went onto the field, hit a referee in the face, and knocked the whistle from his mouth.[1]

The incident was captured on cellphone photo and video.[1]

Response Timeline

On March 27, 2023, Russel claimed that the referee approached him in a fighting stance and spit out his whistle. Invetsigators found that the video "completely contradicts this statement".

On March 28, 2023, Russell was arrested for battery on a sports official, a third-degree felony.[1][2]

On April 13, 2023, Russell pleaded not guilty.

On March 7, 2024, Assistant State Attorney Marcus Isom declined to prosecute the case.

LEO Ratings reached out the attorney for more information.  (2024-04-05).

LEO Ratings

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