Dalonta Crudup (2021)

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Hotel surveilance and bodycam footage

On July 26, 2021, Miami Beach Florida Police Department officers claimed they were trying to stop Crudup, who was riding a scooter, for illegally parking and said the man struck an officer with the scooter while leaving the scene. [1]

Video from the hotel shows Sergeant Jose Perez catching up to Crudup, stopping him at gunpoint, and placing him in handcuffs while other officers arrive. Sergeant Perez kicked Crudup three times before slamming his head into the ground, all while Crudup was handcuffed. Officer Kevin Perez also kicked Crudup at least four times.

Khalid Vaughn, a bystander who started recording the incident on his cellphone, was also attacked by officers.

Crudup was charged with four felony charges of aggravated battery on a law enforcement officer, aggravated assault on a law enforcement officer, fleeing and eluding, and resisting an officer with violence. He is also facing a misdemeanor charge of criminal mischief.[2] The bicycle patrol officer, that police say he struck, was taken to a hospital for treatment of leg injuries.[3]

On the day of the incident, Police Chief Clements initiated an Internal Affairs investigation, relieved four officers of duty (with pay), and referred the case to the Miami-Date State Attorney's office. [4] A fifth officer was also later relieved of duty. [2]

On August 2, 2021, Miami-Dade State Attorney Katherine Fernandez Rundle announced first-degree misdemeanor battery charges against the five officers involved in the Crudup and Vaughn incidents.[1]

On August 25, 2021, Crudup signs a HIPPA waiver, allowing prosecutors to view his medical records.[5]

On September 9, 2021, the five officers involved in this and the subsequent Vaughn incident were arraigned and charged with misdemeanor battery.[6]

On September 13, 2021, prosecutors reviewed Crudup’s injuries with the emergency room resident doctor.[5]

On September 23, 2021, it was announced that charges against Sergeant Perez and Officer Perez would be upgraded to third-degree felony battery.[7][5]

On July 21, 2022, Sergeant Perez pleaded guilty to misdemeanor battery and was sentenced to six months of probation, community service, and enrollment in an anger management class. Perez must surrender his police credentials. The deal allows Perez to keep his military and police pensions.[8]

On March 7, 2023, a judge reduced the charges against Officer Perez from felony battery to simple battery. The prior charge of felony battery requires great bodily harm including permanent disfigurement, which the judge felt was not applicable in this case. Perez now faces no more than a year in prison if convicted.[9]

On March 8, 2023, a jury found Officer Perez guilty of simple battery.[10]

On March 26, 2023, Perez was scheduled to be sentenced, but the judge granted a motion for a retrial because charges were dropped against Crudup.[11]

On March 21, 2024, Crudup filed a federal civil rights lawsuit against the officers and the city for battery, malicious prosecution, excessive force, and other charges.[12]

Officers Involved


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