Travis Shuler

From LEO Ratings
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Service Record

Knoxville Tennessee Police Department

Rank Officer
Dates of Service Hired in December 1998.[1]
Salary $73,356 (2020)[2]
Last Known Status Active


2013 Officer of the Month

In April 2013, Shuler was named as one of two Officers of the Month for assisting in the arrest of a burglary suspect on April 22, 2013.[3]

Incident Reports

2021 Policy Violations

On May 27, 2021, Shuler responded to a vehicle crash that involved a fatality.[4][5]

On May 28, 2021, a subpoena was issued to draw blood from the person responsible for the crash.[4]

Shuler took the blood samples to his house and stored them in his refrigerator.[4]

On June 1, 2021, Shuler brought the samples to the department.[4]

Response Timeline

Shuler was reprimanded for not bringing his body-worn camera to the initial crash scene. Shuler claimed that he had permission from a supervisor. The supervisor claims they never had a conversation about the camera.[4]

Schuler was suspended for two days without pay.[5]

LEO Ratings
