Joseph Taylor (2023)

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Critical Incident Briefing with body-worn camera footage
Witness video

On April 23, 2023, Shreveport Louisiana Police Department Officer Anthony Visciotti stopped Taylor for improper lane usage. Taylor refused to exit the vehicle, claiming that Visciotti needed probable cause. Visciotti explained that he had the legal authority and did not need probable cause (see Legal Reference). Officer Terri Simmons opened the driver's door, and she and Sergeant Daniel Denby attempted to remove Taylor from the vehicle. An object was seen in Taylor's hand. Taylor and the officers struggled. Visciotti attempted to use a Taser, which was not effective. As the struggle continued, officers realized that Taylor was armed. When Taylor attempted to get up from the ground, the officers backed away, and Visciotti shot him. Taylor died at the hospital.[1]

The incident was captured on a witness's cell phone, officers' body-worn cameras, and in-vehicle cameras.[2][1]

The state police opened an investigation.[3]

The officers were placed on paid administrative leave.[4]

The department cleared the officers of any wrong-doing.[5]

On October 26, 2023, the officers returned to work.[5]

On December 14, 2023, a grand jury cleared Viscotti.[6]

Officers Involved


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