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State flag of Maryland
State flag of Maryland



Legislative Activity


On April 10, 2021, Maryland approved three measures:

  • repealing their 1974 Law Enforcement Officers Bill of Rights which set a due process procedure for investigating police misconduct. New procedures will give civilians a role in the police disciplinary process.[1]
  • creating a new statewide use-of-force policy and mandating use of body cameras statewide by July 2025.[1]
  • expanding public access to records in police disciplinary cases and limiting the use of no-knock warrants.[1]

On May 8, 2021, Maryland banned state and local law enforcement agencies from acquiring certain military equipment from federal programs,[2]


The state passed Senate Bill 290, which grants the Attorney General's office prosecutorial power against police officers when death or serious injury occur, removing that power from local prosecutors. The AG may also investigate instances of police misconduct.[3]


Recent articles: Joshua Nahulu, James Jensen, Adam Vendetti, Javar Downs, Scott Lesser

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