Victor Sepulveda (2017)

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On September 13, 2017, Doral Florida Police Department Officer Omar Felipe saw Sepulveda sitting in his car while using a cell phone. Sepulveda complied with orders to produce his driver's license and vehicle registration, and then to exit the vehicle. Felipe made Sepulveda put his arms on the car while he conducted a search. Felipe asked if Sepulveda was armed, and Sepulveda described the location of his legally-carried weapon.[1]

Soon after, Officer Alberto Tellez "violently pinned" Sepulveda against his vehicle, before transporting him to a police station.[1]

Sepulveda refused officers' requests to answer their questions, participate in roadside DUI testing, perform a Breathalyzer test, or sign documents.[1]

Officer Maylee Barderas arrested Sepulveda for Resisting an Officer without Violence, Driving Under the Influence, Refusing to Submit to a Breathalyzer, Refusing to Submit to a Breathalyzer (Second offense), Possessing more than one Driver's License, and Refusing to Sign a Summons.[1]

Sepulveda claims he was beaten by several officers before being taken to the jail and that officers drove him on a "rough ride" reaching speeds of 100 miles per hour, which tossed the handcuffed and unsecured Sepulveda around the back of a police car operated by officers Javier Diaz and Michael Acosta.[1]

When they arrived at the jail, Sepulveda was examined by medical personnel, who redirected him to a local hospital for a possible head injury.[1]

On December 18, 2017, the State dropped the charges against Sepulveda when the officers were unwilling to testify.[1]

On September 9, 2021, Sepulveda filed a lawsuit against the City of Doral and Officers Felipe, Tellez, Acosta, and Diaz, claiming violations of his Fourth and Fourteenth Amendment Constitutional rights, and other rights under state and federal law.[1]

The charges against Felipe were dropped during the trial, as he was not involved in the use of excessive force.[2]

On September 1, 2022, a jury ruled in Sepulveda's favor against Tellez, Acosta, and Diaz, and ordered $600,000 in compensation.[3]


Officers Involved

Official Reports

Additional Sources


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 Sepulveda vs City of Doral, et al. Complaint, U.S. District Court, 2021-09-09
  2. Daniel W. Courtney, Attorney's Overview of Case, Email with
  3. Sepulveda vs City of Doral, et al. Verdict, U.S. District Court, 2020-09-01

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